Preparation of Wills

When you are considering what happens when you pass away, it is a very good idea to obtain independent legal advice. It is a good idea for every adult to have a will, even if that person has more debts than assets.

We can assist you with a will to safeguard family assets in the best way considering your circumstances and wishes.

If you want to ensure to the best of your ability that your wishes are carried out when you die, then we can help you byunderstanding your individual circumstances. We can then draft a personalised will for you.

Divorce and relationship breakdowns are very common, however a lot of people do not understand how a divorce or even a separation will impact their assets and liabilities.

Understanding your situation from a legal viewpoint is especially important for those going through a marital separation, family dispute, or people who make up a blended family.

To properly ensure your loved ones are looked after in the manner you intend, it is important for you to know how estate and succession laws could impact the future.